still feel the process of their formation reverberate in my mind, 2022

single channel video,  screened within Amy Yoes’ installation Hot Corners at MASS MoCA 2023-25


In Lucia Moholy’s essay Marginal Notes: Documentary Absurdities, she corrects her inaccuracies from our historical record. Sonja Thomsen’s video, “still feel the process of their formation reverberate in my mind” (2022), title originates in this essay. Within the video we hear artist Birthe Piontek reading both German and English translations of Lucia’s essay, as the audio and its translation become indecipherable it calls to the years of misinterpretations of her text and work.

Lucia was the first wife of painter and Bauhaus educator László Moholy-Nagy (United States, b. Hungary, 1895–1946). Lucia Moholy was a prolific artist, teacher, and writer who frequently collaborated with her husband during the time that they were married from 1921 until 1929. A notable historic omission was her mostly unrecognized co-authorship of the 1925 book Malerei, Photografie, Film (Painting, Photography, Film), which is credited to Moholy-Nagy alone as one of his greatest works.


"When reading passages from those early writings, I still feel the process of their formation reverberate in my mind. I am quite used to this." Lucia Moholy


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