feel the process of their formation reverberate in my mind, 2022, single channel video, 5:54 min

2022, single channel video, 5:50 min (more information)
2022, single channel video, 5:50 min (more information)
2022, single channel video, 5:50 min (more information)
2022, single channel video, 5:50 min (more information)
2022, single channel video, 5:50 min (more information)
2022, single channel video, 5:50 min (more information)
2022, single channel video, 5:50 min (more information)
2022, single channel video, 5:50 min (more information)

Part of the project

  • Orbiting Lucia, 2022
    site specific installation built for “Refracting Histories” at the Museum of Contemporary of Photography, Chicago