

2009, designed by Dan Saal



lacuna, an unfilled space or interval…in knowledge, literature or in bone. As the word lacuna references both intellectual and physical gaps, the photographic installation titled lacuna is a metaphor for memory and aging.

Place and person become symbol and impression in the work.  The images together create an emotive narrative suspended in the gap between. The photographs are observations of land and collaborations with loved ones. A grandfather on the edge of dementia, a brother in his teenage prime, a friend whose gaze pierces self-doubt, hands cradling the last harvest of raspberries.

lacuna is a breathing installation, ever changing, as one interacts with it.  The photographs range in small sizes and are selectively installed in relationship to one another.  In the installation, some images hang on the wall in stacks of reproductions waiting to be peeled away. The images fade as the stack recedes altering the piece for the next viewer. Behind the stacks are pieces of plexi glass where a stencil of the image is imprinted through sand blasting the surface of the plexi.  Throughout the duration of the installation the photographic images fade, are removed and reveal an impression of the image that was once there. lacuna is a quest to express and hold the intangible.

The piece is shown as an installation, collected in suites and an artist book. Installations vary with each iteration to accommodate a venue while the suites of images are fixed. The book holds the entire sequence in its genesis- producing another intimate engagement with lacuna. The artist book creates a tactile and personal experience with the work that extends beyond the fixed life of an exhibition.